Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Mailing Address, Info, etc

So, this is where you'll find any and all updates from me for the duration of my four months in Rome, the vicinity, and Europe at large. I'll be gone from August 23 - December 21, and back in time to celebrate Christmas/multiple birthdays with the fam. Either way, if you ever want to reach me via snail mail in Rome, my address is:

Matt Gineo
c/o University of Washington
Piazza del Biscione 95 - 00186 Rome, Italy

This is not the address of where I'll be living, though it is where I get my mail. If you are sending a package, be sure to indicate on the packaging that it has "no commercial value" or it will almost undoubtedly wind up stuck in customs. Check back here often and subscribe to the blog, as I will be updating it regularly. If you ever want to leave me notes back, just comment on the appropriate blog posts. My e-mail address has not changed. It is still gineom@rpi.edu, and my AIM name is still TownWagon1962. My cell however, has changed. I have an Italian phone, and as such, if you are dialing it from the states, you need to dial the following: 011 39 3381188987. Any other technicalities or questions, just post whatever you need within the comments section of this post. Everyone, please stay in touch! See you all soon!

PS... The timestamp at the bottom of each of my posts will be in Rome time, which is +1 GMT... a 6 hour difference between the eastern US and Rome, where Rome is further ahead.


Anonymous said...

Hi Matthew. We are home here in Tolland. Got home at 8 p.m. Lots of traffic on the merritt! Well by the time you read this you shall probably be in ROME!!!! UNVELIEVABLE!!!!
Milo & Otis say 'WOOF'
Hope your flight was good. How was the meal?
Say 'hi' to Amy from us

Anonymous said...

I've never commented on a blog before, but yours was great! My husband and I want to visit Italy, thats how I ended up on your page. The information here is great! Thanks!!