Thursday, October 25, 2007

Florence Day Trip on 10/24 and Notes About Upcoming Blog Entries

This is the 4th and final post of the day. If you're checking back for the first time today, make sure you check all the way back to the Disneyland post to make yourself fully up to date.

I was going to use this space to update everyone on my Florence Day Trip I took on the 24th, and post pictures like I always do. But, it's now 2:42 AM, and I'm leaving for my Siena day trip at about 6:30 in the morning, which means I'm waking up shortly after 5:30. That said, no pictures of Florence for tonight. I'll give you all the description of Florence and all the amazing pictures (despite the constant drizzling rain) during my next blog.

My next blog post may not be for a little while... though not too long, don't worry yourselves too much. You see, tomorrow I go to Siena for the day, and then we're having a little "Halloween" party/get-together to celebrate our last night in Rome together before the students' Fall break from school. After that comes Friday, where I'll be getting my last licks in for Rome, and packing/moving my stuff out of my apartment. We fly to Catania (Sicily) on Friday night. So, we'll be at our hostel somewhere around 10:45 PM (our time, of course), and maybe I'll be able to blog about Florence, Siena, and my final Friday in Rome at that time.

Until then, review my other blogs, and the other three posts I gave today. Should be plenty to work from! Ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I am leaving this Blog you are touring Siena. I look forward to the virtual photo tour as the pics become available.
Stay Safe!