Monday, October 22, 2007

The Wrap-Up on Paris, etc

So, I'm back in Rome now. Paris was absolutely 100% nothing short of amazing! And my surprise for Amy is now out of the bag and over... it was Disneyland Paris! We spent our day today (Sunday, 10/21) at Disneyland, and had an unbelievable time. We went on a handful of rides: Space Mountain, Rock 'n Roller Coaster, Star Tours, and Haunted Mansion (which they call "Phantom Manor"). We also went shopping, had lunch there, walked around the entirety of both parks, and just had a phenomenal time! I have to give credit to my parents for helping me come up with the idea for going to the park, and for paying for the tickets as a gift to us both. We both definitely appreciated it to no end.

I have approximately 815 pictures from this weekend to go through, and I'll probably pick the top 30 or so to post here. So give me at least a day to do that, please. I was yet again going to go to Cinque Terre tomorrow, but after so much walking these past few days, I am absolutely drained (not to mention it's 2 AM, and I would have to wake up at 5 to make the train). So, instead, my revised plan looks like Siena on Tuesday during the day, and Florence on Wednesday as planned. Cinque Terre will remain on my life's "to-do" list, which is fine; you always need a reason to come back! Tuesday night I'm going to a Lazio (the state Rome is in) SOCCER GAME at their Olympic Stadium! It is going to be absolutely amazing, and I cannot wait! I already have the tickets in hand!

The flight back from Paris was a bit delayed (Alitalia - they don't need a reason for being late... they're Italians), but it was smooth and I was able to get some shut-eye. I'm in studio now alongside Amy who has some work to do to catch up on her time out this weekend, but things are looking good for her as well.

I'll end the text here. Again, expect pictures sometime tomorrow evening (my time) to be posted. After that, things will go back to normal with my days' events being paired with their pictures immediately. Tomorrow I believe I'll be hitting the Catacombs and probably something else; maybe Circus Maximus, maybe something else... you shall soon see. Until my next post, au revoir... or, arrivaderci... or, good-bye... Oh man, I don't even know what language is the right one anymore!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a phenomenal time in Paris! Look forward to seeing the pictures as they become available. Enjoy your day in Rome today!