Saturday, October 13, 2007

In ROMA... without school... not shabby!

Aright aright!!!

I am here and here I am. Roma! The flight was smooth (and direct as an added bonus). Lightning struck about a half mile in front of the plane right after takeoff, and a bunch of people on the plane bugged out because the entire cabin lit up, but the captain calmed their paranoia by reassuring these very observant people that we were not in fact struck by lightning, and we were not in fact in the process of crash-landing.

Since I got to Rome, everything has been just as I remembered (imagine that... a city that has barely changed in hundreds of years didn't change in a matter of 6 weeks). I've settled into my apartment, I've met up with Amy (of course), and everything's been amazing! I'll explain tons more tomorrow, as I'm about to head out to see the sights. I don't have my camera memory card with me now, so I can't post pictures of my apartment yet, but that'll come tomorrow as well. So, tomorrow will be all the details and some new pictures! See you all soon, miss you!

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